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Podcasting Best Practices

Ready to stand out in a sea of financial advisors? Become a podcaster! But be sure to differentiate yourself by offering true value and entertainment to your audience (namely your current clients and people listening who are not clients yet) and by employing smart networking strategy.

“Strategy?” you’re thinking. Absolutely! Let me explain.

Great for retention

Hosting a podcast is valuable on several fronts. If you are sharing timely information and strategies for success, a regular podcast is setting you up as an authority for your clients. It is also a way to stay present with them, even if you only get them in a room with you once a year. They are hearing your voice, appreciating your advice and being constantly reminded of why they chose to entrust their financial future to you. The reality is, if your clients feel connected to you they are less likely to move to another advisor. This is a boon for client retention.

And beyond retention, happy clients will refer you to their friends and family. Podcasting can help you create informed, enthusiastic clients who share your brand for you!

Great for networking

Podcasting can also help you build your network while supporting other small businesses, by inviting successful business owners to be guests on your shows. You likely have current clients who are business owners, who would love a chance to share their business with your listeners. I think it goes without saying, but be sure you are choosing guests which represent businesses with a more affluent client base. This assures a far more mutually beneficial situation for you and your guest.

Be sure that you are clear on how you want to present the guest’s business, and what s/he hopes to get out of appearing on your show. Set expectations, and prepare a script which you review with your guest. The interview should be light and fun, and a script will keep the interview moving in the right direction. What does the business do? Why do they consider themselves to be excellent? How can they help your client base? Always include a call to action.

Once the interview is recorded, you will want to promote, promote, promote! Not just to your clients, but also to the guest’s list. Have them post the interview on their website, social media channels, and emails. This tactic will help you both with exposure in the marketplace.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for referrals. Assuming that you had a positive interaction with your guest, and they are happy with the overall experience, they should be happy to make a connection with other business owners they know. Referral marketing is a powerful tool for your podcast.

Successful podcast elements

So let’s review the basic strategy for a successful podcast:

  1. Commit to regular podcasting. Keep topics timely, deliver valuable insight and advice.
  2. Network with small business owners, invite them to be a guest on your podcast.
  3. Set expectations with your guest, and develop a script. Keep it light & fun.
  4. Deliver a call to action for your listeners.
  5. Promote, promote, promote. To your network and the small business owner’s network.

Happy podcasting!

Please be sure your podcasting tips with us in our Facebook and LinkedIn comments.


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Posted by Kimberly Townsend
5 years ago | May 18, 2020