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Newsletter Best Practices

A monthly newsletter sent to clients and leads can be a valuable tool in building your business. It gives you the opportunity to educate your clients on timely topics, build yourself as an authority and also allows people to share your information with others.

Newsletter Framework

So how should you set up your newsletter? The first thing to consider is branding. Be sure that your clients see you brand right away. I like to place our company logo at the very top of our monthly newsletter. Next, you want to consider your content. I have found that using a maximum of 5 sections keeps the newsletter short enough that people will take a few minutes to look through it, and still dense enough to offer value. Finally, be sure that your email allows the option of “sharing” the newsletter with others. A monthly newsletter can become a valuable tool in your communications arsenal, and a great way for clients to introduce your business to their friends.

Here is the newsletter framework that I use, which has proven quite successful:

  1. Personal Video. I open each month’s newsletter with a video shot by one of our advisors that delves into a timely topic. This video keeps our advisors “in front of” our clients, and answers questions they may not even have thought to ask. Showcasing an advisor in action is a great way to reinforce your firm’s value to clients.
  2. Information/ Education Piece. This is the bread and butter of your newsletter – make it interesting, informative and original. I generally use a blog article that one of our advisors has written, something that offers timely information to our clients. Don’t place the whole article on your newsletter! I use an opening paragraph or two, then use a “Read More” button to link the reader to the complete article on our website. Use this space to feature articles from different advisors in your network.This information piece can also be from  an outside source, but always give proper credit. Most importantly, DO NOT BUY CONTENT! Your clients want to hear from you, don’t disappoint them. It is ALWAYS best to write your own material, even if it does take a little more time.
  3. Fun Piece. I like to feature what I call the “Insight Highlights” each month, where I share something of interest in the life of our Insight Folios family. This is a place to showcase personality, to let your clients see how you live your life. For example, I might show Kevin fishing, or Bruce shoveling snow, or perhaps Charlie enjoying his backyard oasis. Clients love to know more about you!
  4. Upcoming Events. Our clients are busy, and scheduling social events is not always their top priority. To accommodate this, I like to keep upcoming client events in front of them for months in advance. Seriously. Months. If we have a summer picnic, I will start telling people in February. Holiday party? June is a great time to have them “Save the Date”.
  5. Authority Piece. This piece reinforces your advisor’s authority, and shows that outside organizations value your firm’s opinions and insights. I like to feature a recent TV Appearance in this section; podcast & radio shows are also excellent to highlight. (If you are not currently arranging for TV appearances on your local networks, I highly recommend that you begin to do so.)

Every section of your newsletter is important, and each engages your readers on a different front. But this bears repeating: content is king. Keep your topics timely, and your content original. To be clear, “original” means write your own content. Seriously, do not buy canned articles. Take the time to write your own content and tailor it to your client base. You will be amazed at the engagement you generate as your clients begin to look forward to your monthly update.

Does your office send out a newsletter? Please share what works for you in our Facebook and LinkedIn comments.


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Posted by Kimberly Townsend
5 years ago | May 7, 2020