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Simplicitree Update – April 2020

Feature Release Simplicitree Resources
We’ve added some very powerful features to Simplicitree in this latest release.  Review each new feature below and feel free to reach out if you have questions or need support.

What’s new in Plans?

Keep or Sell All Investments
Plans > Investment Planning > Initial Investments

You can now choose to Keep or Sell all investments with one-click from the Investment Planning tab.  Overall performance improvements have also been made to increase the speed of the Keep or Sell features.

Liquidation Sequence
Plans > Investment Planning > Investment Liquidation Sequence

Easily control the order in which your Plan Investments will liquidate when a shortfall exists in any given year.  Drag and drop Investments to the top to ensure they are the first item to liquidate.

Investment Contributions (Base & Income Plan)
Plans > Contact Information > Investments

Contributions now live on an individual Investment.  You can define multiple contributions per investment and control the Start Age, End Age, Contribution Amount, and Annual Increase (COLA).

Income Customization (Income Plan)
Plans > Investment Planning > Investments

Investments now have additional options on the Income Planning tab.  You can control the following settings for each individual Investment:

  • Offset Income
    Control whether the Investment Income should decrease as the Investment is liquidated by a shortfall.
  • Joint Income
    Control whether the Income generated by the Investment should be shared by both the Client and Spouse.
  • Consume Asset
    Control whether the Income generated by the Investment should consume / reduce the Investment.  The Income will stop once the Investment has been consumed to nothing.
  • Lifetime Income
    When Consume Asset is selected, Lifetime Income will allow the generated Income to continue after the Investment has been consumed to nothing.
  • Reinvest Income
    Control whether the Income generated by the Investment should be re-invested (as a contribution) when a surplus exists for any given year.

What’s new in Contacts?

Contact Details
Contacts > Contact Information

You can now define additional details about a Contact record in Simplicitree.  Contact Type can be set to Lead, Prospect, or Client.  Contact Status can be set to New, Hot, Cold, or Converted.  These new features are meant to allow you to better categorize your Contacts within Simplicitree.

Primary Plan
Contacts > Plans

You can now select a specific Plan on a Contact as the “Primary Plan”.  Selecting a Primary Plan will display that specific plan to your Client above other Plans in their Advisor Portal.  Selecting a Primary Plan will also define the plan used for you to calculate your Asset Details for that specific Client (Managed and Not Managed Investments).

Client Investments / Asset Details
Contacts > Invetments

Once you have selected a Primary Plan for a Client, you can select which individual Investments are managed by your Firm.

Posted by Simplicitree Support
5 years ago | April 1, 2020